- In the past decade, ASEAN Member States (AMS) have seen troubling increases in avoidable deaths attributed to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).
- Following the ASEAN Post-2015 Health Development Agenda 2021-2025, ASEAN efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle include NCD prevention programs, tobacco control, reducing harmful alcohol usage, prevention of injuries, and promotion of mental health, healthy ageing, and healthy
- Policy gap analysis indicates that a ‘hit-and-run’ intervention and rolling out regulation without an integrated multi-sectoral actionable framework are no longer enough to address these risks to Therefore, each AMS needs to strive toward designing a Healthy City that prioritizes health aspects in the development framework and includes integration of health promotion into the national health strategic plan.
- Develop and strengthen sustainable funding mechanisms for healthy lifestyle promotion and NCD controls at national and regional levels
- Strengthen the capacity of health systems and healthcare personnel, especially in primary healthcare
- Build community-based behavioral changes initiatives to endorse ownership of health in communities.
- Enhance the NCD surveillance system and services, and evaluate the current surveillance mechanisms, especially at the regional