- In response to the growing urgency to combat climate change, the public sector plays an enabling role in facilitating the implementation of integrated government strategies to meet sustainability tar
- Among ASEAN Member States, governments are making efforts to support climate-sensitive Still, progress is held back by economic and regulatory obstacles, alongside a lack of national and global coordination.
- The lack of government policies is inhibiting the effective mobilisation of climate Governments also need to ensure efficient implementation of existing policies such as enforceable standards for green bonds.
- A key challenge for policymakers is integrating public policy with Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) targets, as current public policies, including national budgets, still need to be integrated with climate
- As climate finance is still in its infancy in ASEAN, several ASEAN Member States rely heavily on public financing, including government funding and multilateral and bilateral agreements, to meet their NDC
- Addressing climate-sensitive issues requires integrating public policy with NDC and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets via a bold whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach, sustained by continuous government commitments and assessing political and policy
- Strengthening fiscal resiliency should be  supported by sound public financial management strategies and frameworks aligned with climate action
- Re-evaluating fuel and energy subsidy mechanisms and introducing instruments such as carbon tax and carbon pricing mechanism is
- Identifying new partnership opportunities through blended finance for scaling up climate actions and empowering institutional investors as a vital form of public-private collaboration to unlock innovative climate financing
- Strengthening international collaboration on standard harmonisation, capital mobility, capacity building and promoting knowledge flows to enhance the public sector’s support for climate