Platform: Disaster Management

Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards

JAKARTA, 7 December 2022 – The 4th ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Research and Development Forum on “Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards in Southeast Asia” was held with support from the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). This webinar brought together experts and officials from the ASEAN Member States to discuss the trends and issues on climate-related hazards in Southeast Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards

New Approach on ASEAN Disaster Management

JAKARTA, 28 April 2022 – The ASEAN Secretariat organised the Trends and Foresight for ASEAN Disaster Management forum to discuss adaptive approaches to disaster management on 21 April. This is the second event of a series of forums under the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Research and Development Platform Programme which brings evidence-based research and insights to New Approach on ASEAN Disaster Management

Disaster Management

The ASCC R&D Platform on Disaster Management aims to equip ASEAN with the knowledge and tools to effectively prepare for and respond to natural disasters. This platform gathers insights from risk assessments to develop comprehensive disaster response strategies that enhance resilience and safety across ASEAN communities.