Facts & Figures

About ASCC in Facts & Figures

The ASCC in Facts and Figures is an annual publication that aims to provide in concise and visually engaging manner information on key socio-cultural trends in the ASEAN region. Covering a spectrum of topics, including culture, women’s empowerment, labour, education, sports, disaster management, and the environment, it aims to provide easily digestible insights into the dynamic landscape of the ASCC, offering an overview of the region’s social progress.

Database B of the ADME system

The ASCC Database for Monitoring and Evaluation (ADME) System is a comprehensive and secure web-based database system of ASCC with corresponding dashboard consistent with Blueprint indicators and socio-cultural indicators relevant to the ASCC. ADME Database B contains socio-cultural indicators that are relevant to the ASCC. Data for these socio-cultural indicators are collected by reputable organisations such as ASEANStats, the United Nations, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and other international organisations.

Go to ADME Website