Fostering Greater Understanding, Tolerance and a Sense of Regional Agendas

Asian girls hold small windmill
Fostering Greater Understanding, Tolerance and a Sense of Regional Agendas
22 April 2024
Culture and Arts, Information and Media

Adopted in October 2021, the ASEAN Strategic Policy Framework on Promoting an Adaptive ASEAN Community of Greater Understanding, Tolerance and a Sense of Regional Agendas Among the Peoples of ASEAN outlines a roadmap for fostering a stronger regional identity within Southeast Asia.


Why a cohesive and adaptive ASEAN Community matters

Cultural differences, conflicting beliefs, and a lack of trust can create friction. Modern threats like climate change and pandemics further strain relations, while the spread of misinformation and hate speech fuels distrust. These challenges run deep, rooted not just in political differences but also in cultural and economic disparities.

The Framework proposes a roadmap to overcome these hurdles.

Guiding Principles of the ASEAN Strategic Policy Framework on Promoting an Adaptive ASEAN Community of Greater Understanding, Tolerance and a Sense of Regional Agendas Among the Peoples
Break Down Silos
Improve communication between different ASEAN groups to find ways to promote understanding and unity.
Focus on Common Ground
Highlight shared interests and goals to foster a sense of belonging among ASEAN citizens.
Positive Narratives
Use communication strategies to spread messages of understanding, tolerance, and regional identity.
Safe Spaces for Dialogue
Create environments where people can learn about each other and build trust, especially focusing on youth, children, families, and women.
Inclusive Participation
Encourage everyone in ASEAN to participate in discussions about regional unity.
Preventive Efforts
Work alongside existing efforts to prevent conflict and promote a culture of peace.

Translating its vision into action

The Framework identifies three initiatives to implement its objectives. First is a Strategy Playbook that outlines best practices for fostering understanding, tolerance, and a sense of regional identity within ASEAN. It will also identify areas where different ASEAN groups can collaborate towards this common goal. Next, the Framework is to be mainstreamed into the work of the Working Group on ASEAN Culture of Prevention citing the opportunity to encourage a mindset-shift towards greater understanding and tolerance. Finally, the Framework encourages collaboration with partners, from official dialogue partners to regional organisations, and various stakeholders such as youth and women’s groups.
