A Stronger ASEAN Through Early Warning: A New Assessment

Issue Highlights
A Stronger ASEAN Through Early Warning: A New Assessment
5 April 2024
Disaster Management

The report on Strengthening ASEAN Multi-hazard End to End Early Warning System (EWS) for Natural Disasters - An Assessment of Current Capacity prepared under the guidance of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management Working Group on Prevention and Mitigation (ACDM WG P&M) sheds light on the state of early warning systems (EWS) across ASEAN.  The goal: to strengthen regional resilience against natural disasters.

The assessment identified both strengths and weaknesses in ASEAN's EWS capabilities. While all member states have made progress, there are gaps in areas like risk data analysis, communication strategies, and cross-border information sharing.

Varied Risk Knowledge
While all countries possess some level of risk awareness, disparities exist in areas like scientific review of risk data and factoring this data into EWS strategies.
Uneven Detection and Monitoring
Significant variations were found in forecasting and warning services, with challenges in maintaining monitoring systems and sharing data across borders.
Communication Gaps
Many countries struggle to tailor warnings for different populations, ensure clear and actionable messages, and reach isolated communities.
Preparedness Needs
While legal frameworks exist, limitations were found in community communication, exercising disaster plans, and addressing the needs of vulnerable groups.
ASEAN (2024). Strengthening ASEAN Multi-hazard End to End Early Warning System (EWS) for Natural Disasters – An Assessment of Current Capacity. https://asean.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/ASEAN_E2E_EWS_Report_Final.pdf

Based on these findings, the report recommends a four-pronged approach to strengthen ASEAN’s EWS:

Capacity Development
Expanding training and expertise in areas like risk assessment, cloud technology, and standardised warning messages.
Technical Assistance
Providing targeted support for implementing these initiatives, including expert consultations and technological resources.
Policy Enhancement
Developing clearer guidelines for risk assessment, communication strategies, and public education.
Institutional Strengthening
Improving data sharing, knowledge exchange, and leveraging technology for better communication.
ASEAN (2024). Strengthening ASEAN Multi-hazard End to End Early Warning System (EWS) for Natural Disasters – An Assessment of Current Capacity. https://asean.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/ASEAN_E2E_EWS_Report_Final.pdf