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ASEAN champions inclusive and innovative workforce development

JAKARTA, 10 – 11 December 2024 – The ASEAN Online Forum on the Future of Work gathered policymakers and practitioners from across the region to discuss key challenges affecting the future of work in ASEAN. The virtual forum focused on breaking barriers for persons with disabilities (PwDs) in accessing the workforce and advancing inclusive human ASEAN champions inclusive and innovative workforce development

Climate Resilience Through Private Sector Engagement

ASEAN Strengthens Climate Resilience Through Private Sector Engagement Towards Nature-based Solutions JAKARTA, 12 September 2022 – Experts and participants of the “Strengthening Resilience with Private Sector Engagement and Nature-based Solutions” webinar called for increased awareness, cross-sectoral synergies, integrated local knowledge and science, and appropriate institutional arrangements to mainstream the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) concept into policies Climate Resilience Through Private Sector Engagement

Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards

JAKARTA, 7 December 2022 – The 4th ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Research and Development Forum on “Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards in Southeast Asia” was held with support from the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). This webinar brought together experts and officials from the ASEAN Member States to discuss the trends and issues on climate-related hazards in Southeast Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards

Data Capacities and Access to Finance for Climate Action

JAKARTA, 18 March 2021 – The “Building Climate Change Data Management Capacities and Enhancing Access to Climate Finance” Forum was the first of a series of discussions from the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Research and Development Platform Programme. The forums aim to bring evidence-based research and insights to support ASEAN sectoral bodies in developing and implementing Data Capacities and Access to Finance for Climate Action

Health Systems Preparedness for Climate-Related Health Threats

JAKARTA, 6 September 2022 – The “Are ASEAN Health Systems Prepared for Climate-Related Health Threats?” webinar called for accelerated multisectoral actions to address priority health issues and strengthen health systems to tackle climate-induced emergencies. The webinar is part of the Public Health Emergencies webinar series under the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Research and Development Platform Programme Health Systems Preparedness for Climate-Related Health Threats

Transforming ASEAN’s Digital Health Landscape

JAKARTA, 14 June 2022 – The webinar on “Transforming ASEAN’s Digital Health Landscape to Improve Regional Health” called for regional cooperation and multi-stakeholder partnerships to invest and collaborate on digital health transformation to support ASEAN’s post-COVID19 recovery. The event is the first of a series of ASEAN Public Health Emergencies webinars under the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Transforming ASEAN’s Digital Health Landscape

New Approach on ASEAN Disaster Management

JAKARTA, 28 April 2022 – The ASEAN Secretariat organised the Trends and Foresight for ASEAN Disaster Management forum to discuss adaptive approaches to disaster management on 21 April. This is the second event of a series of forums under the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Research and Development Platform Programme which brings evidence-based research and insights to New Approach on ASEAN Disaster Management

Building Equitable Societies and Learning Cities

JAKARTA, 26 May 2023 – The ASEAN Regional Forum on the Future of Education concluded with an emphasis on the critical role of building digital skills and promoting lifelong learning as important drivers for advancing inclusive and equitable societies. Themed Inclusive ASEAN 2050: Building Equitable Societies and Learning Cities,  Malaysia Minister of Education Fadhlina Sidek underscored the Building Equitable Societies and Learning Cities

Teacher Development: Innovations and Best Practices

JAKARTA, 25 May 2023 – The second day of the ASEAN Regional Forum on the Future of Education assessed the impact of technological advancements on education landscape and explored innovative approaches to further teacher development in the region. Themed Teacher Development: Innovations  and  Best  Practices  for  the  Future  of  Education in ASEAN and Beyond, regional experts and Teacher Development: Innovations and Best Practices