Category: Environment
Access to Finance: Issues and Challenges to ASEAN
Facilitating Private Sector Climate Investment Decision Making
Climate Resilience Through Private Sector Engagement
ASEAN Strengthens Climate Resilience Through Private Sector Engagement Towards Nature-based Solutions JAKARTA, 12 September 2022 – Experts and participants of the “Strengthening Resilience with Private Sector Engagement and Nature-based Solutions” webinar called for increased awareness, cross-sectoral synergies, integrated local knowledge and science, and appropriate institutional arrangements to mainstream the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) concept into policies … Climate Resilience Through Private Sector Engagement
Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards
JAKARTA, 7 December 2022 – The 4th ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Research and Development Forum on “Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards in Southeast Asia” was held with support from the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF). This webinar brought together experts and officials from the ASEAN Member States to discuss the trends and issues on climate-related hazards in Southeast … Building Disaster Resilience to Climate-related Hazards
Data Capacities and Access to Finance for Climate Action
JAKARTA, 18 March 2021 – The “Building Climate Change Data Management Capacities and Enhancing Access to Climate Finance” Forum was the first of a series of discussions from the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Research and Development Platform Programme. The forums aim to bring evidence-based research and insights to support ASEAN sectoral bodies in developing and implementing … Data Capacities and Access to Finance for Climate Action
Insights on Transboundary Tropical Cyclone and Drought Risks
Transboundary tropical cyclones have severe impact in Southeast Asia, affecting key sectors including agriculture. This impact could be further exacerbated by climate change, which leads to increasing wind speeds in future transboundary tropical cyclones. The study entitled “Transboundary Disaster Risk Assessment and Scenario Planning for Tropical Cyclone and Droughts in the ASEAN Region” and published … Insights on Transboundary Tropical Cyclone and Drought Risks
One ASEAN, One Response: A Stronger Web for Disaster Relief
In Southeast Asia, a region frequently battered by typhoons, earthquakes, and floods, a new spirit of collaboration is taking root. The ASEAN Declaration on One ASEAN, One Response: ASEAN Responding to Disasters as One in the Region and Outside the Region, signed during the 28th ASEAN Summit on 6 September 2016 in Lao PDR, aims … One ASEAN, One Response: A Stronger Web for Disaster Relief