Category: Demography

ASEAN Declaration on Gender-Responsive Implementation of the ACV 2025 and the SDGs

The ASEAN Declaration on the Gender-Responsive Implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted on November 13, 2017, at the 31st ASEAN Summit in Manila, Philippines, serves as a roadmap for achieving gender equality across Southeast Asia. This article explores how ASEAN member states are translating this vision into ASEAN Declaration on Gender-Responsive Implementation of the ACV 2025 and the SDGs

Beyond Childcare: ASEAN’s Declaration on Early Childhood Care and Education

The ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Southeast Asia adopted at the 43rd ASEAN Summit held in Jakarta, Indonesia from September 4-7, 2023, signifies a regional commitment to improving access to quality ECCE programmes for young children across the region, outlining not only the problems but also clear definitions and Beyond Childcare: ASEAN’s Declaration on Early Childhood Care and Education

The ASEAN Comprehensive Framework on Care Economy: A Commitment to Wellbeing

The 38th and 39th ASEAN Summits, held virtually from 26-28 October 2021, marked a significant milestone for the region with the adoption of the ASEAN Comprehensive Framework on Care Economy (ACFCE). This framework serves as a roadmap for fostering a more sustainable and inclusive future for ASEAN member states by recognising the critical role of The ASEAN Comprehensive Framework on Care Economy: A Commitment to Wellbeing

Insights on Transboundary Tropical Cyclone and Drought Risks

Transboundary tropical cyclones have severe impact in Southeast Asia, affecting key sectors including agriculture. This impact could be further exacerbated by climate change, which leads to increasing wind speeds in future transboundary tropical cyclones. The study entitled “Transboundary Disaster Risk Assessment and Scenario Planning for Tropical Cyclone and Droughts in the ASEAN Region” and published Insights on Transboundary Tropical Cyclone and Drought Risks

Inclusive and Sustainable Development

The ASEAN Development Outlook (ADO) – Inclusive and Sustainable Development is the first report of its kind. In this inaugural report, an effort is made to chart progress towards inclusive and sustainable development in the ASEAN region, and to identify key challenges together with examples of best practices and candid analysis on lesson learned for Inclusive and Sustainable Development