Future of Work

About Future of Work Platform

The ASCC R&D Platform on the Future of Work explores the evolving landscape of employment amid technological advancement and changing economic conditions. This platform seeks to understand how ASEAN can adapt to and benefit from new work paradigms, ensuring economic growth and job security for its populace. 

The ASCC Research and Development Platform on the Future of Work Emergencies has identified several key findings
Participation of the private sector and communities on human resource development for the future
Preparing the workforce for the changing demands of the economy is essential because the future of work in every country depends on the skills the workers bring into the market. Investments in education and skill development can enhance the ability of both employees and employers to adapt effectively to these megatrends. With the government performing the role of an enabler, the private sector can invest in training and skills development for their workforce to meet the changing demands of the megatrends.
Removing barriers and gaps for persons with disabilities’ participation in the world of work
Person with disabilities (PWD) face high challenges and barriers that limit their access to decent work, such as low income, lack of social protection, discrimination, as well as inadequate access to education, training and support services. Investment and innovation in assistive technology can lead to a prosperous and inclusive economy, and these technological solutions are projected to open up new markets and offer great potential for the future of work for PWDs.
Promoting inclusive HRD strategies to sustain productivity
By ensuring that employees have access to resources that redefine productivity and foster a healthy work-life balance, organizations can cultivate a workforce that is not only productive but also satisfied and fulfilled in their roles. Additionally, there is an emphasis on enhancing the governance of employment outsourcing to ensure decent work standards. By embracing inclusive HRD strategies, organizations can foster a culture where all employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to contribute effectively for a long-term period.